
Our organization, "Vitiligo Foundation of India" has curved a respectable niche for itself, dedicated to procure the best treatments, technology and research for Vitiligo patients. The treatments are based not only on standard protocols and USFDA guidelines but also on the basis of large experiecne over a more than 42000 patients.

The head office at Indore is a state of art centre with branches located at the major cities of India. Since the treatments are centre based, we have tried to reach to people of as many states we can and shall continue that, without any change in standard protocols and with the same skill.

Message from President

Our organization, "Vitiligo Foundation of India" has curved a respectable niche for itself, dedicated to procure the best treatments, technology and research for Vitiligo patients. The treatments are based not only on standard protocols and USFDA guidelines but also on the basis of large experiecne over a more than 42000 patients.

Mission & Vision

"Empowering Hope, Embracing Change: Our Vision for the Vitiligo Foundation of India

At the Vitiligo Foundation of India, our vision is a world where vitiligo is understood, accepted, and treatable. We aspire to bridge the gap between groundbreaking research, compassionate clinical care, and the lives of those affected by vitiligo. Our commitment is to illuminate the path towards a brighter future for individuals and families dealing with vitiligo, fostering unity, understanding, and hope within our community.

Through relentless dedication to research, collaboration with clinicians, and support for patients and their loved ones, we envision a India where the burden of vitiligo is lightened, where its emotional and physical toll is minimized, and where the promise of effective treatments and ultimately, a cure, becomes a reality.

Together, we will transform the landscape of vitiligo, and in doing so, transform lives. This is our vision, our driving force, and our unwavering commitment."